You know when you aren't sure that you can do something but everyone tells you that you can.. then it feels so much like you want to but just can't seem to figure out why you don't have as much confidence in yourself as everyone else has in you??? And you don't give up because you feel that if so many people say you can do it then you must be able to right?? Well.. It turns out.. everyone was right..
I haven't been keeping up here because I'm a full time student.. You know.. One of those "older" people walking around campus rockin the backpack and living in the computer lab... I'm actually pretty boring and I definitely stay away from skinny jeans.. but I've done alright. They haven't kicked me out yet. Now back to all those people being right..
This week starts finals week here in my world. It has been a bit stressful finishing up my classes and preparing for tests but I'm almost there.. Yesterday I took my final Chemistry exam for the semester and my final grade posted today.. Let me preface this by saying that this Chemistry class has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. It is completely out of my realm of understanding.. But thanks to all of those people who believed in me and continue to support me and tell me I can do it.. I passed.. with flying colors... B+ wha? Yeah I know.. I feel like the kid in A Christmas Story when he turns in his paper about the Red Rider BB Gun and he daydreams that his teacher was giving him an A ++++++++++++ and all the kids were cheering him on and holding him up on their shoulders. (sigh)
A big THANKS! for all those that have been holding me up on their shoulders this semester. I have amazing people cheering me on.. B+ seriously.
Now lest you think I have forgotten that this is a blog about me getting healthy and dropping some pounds... I have some good news coming soon to a blog near you.. Stay tuned for weigh in coming up next week on the 13th.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Monthly Weigh in November 2012
I decided to only weigh in and do measurements once a month. Today is the day. I was a little nervous to see the results because although I feel great I haven't noticed a huge difference. and remember.. I'm over 40 so this is going to take a little longer than when I was younger... Let me just say I was pleasantly surprised. WAHOO!
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 186lbs
Clothing size: 18 womens
arms: 12 3/4 inches
chest: 44 3/4inches
waist: 38 1/2 inches
hips: 47 inches
thighs: 26 1/2 inches (single) 46 inches combined
calves: 14 1/2 inches
Results: Down 7 pounds Loss of 7 3/4 inches
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 186lbs
Clothing size: 18 womens
arms: 12 3/4 inches
chest: 44 3/4inches
waist: 38 1/2 inches
hips: 47 inches
thighs: 26 1/2 inches (single) 46 inches combined
calves: 14 1/2 inches
Results: Down 7 pounds Loss of 7 3/4 inches
Monday, November 12, 2012
While being in a swimsuit isn't my favorite thing in the world and sorry to say.. probably isn't for my fellow swimmers.. I have to say I love getting it on every morning and hitting the pool. About a month ago I decided I needed something that would get me prepared for Sarah and help me ease into exercising without torturing my body in the process. As I squeeze my fat self into a suit I am reminded why I am there every morning. (Its not pretty) But then I find a spot with the old men walking the middle lanes and I get into my groove. I'm a super slow swimmer, switching from my front to my back every third lap. I'm there every morning at 5:30am. Its only a mile from my house so I'm done swimming, showered and home before my kids get up for school. At first it was for the workout, something to get me started that wasn't too hard on my body. Now it has grown into something relaxing. Something to look forward to. It calms me. prepares me for my day. It gives me time to think and relax. It sets my mind for the day on eating healthy, taking care of myself and getting things accomplished.
Today as I was swimming I thought about my parents and how grateful I am that they sacrificed to give me swim lessons. My mom drove all of us kids up to Green Canyon (a 35 minute drive) for weeks during the summer so we could take lessons. My mom never learned to swim and It was important to her that we had lessons. I can't imagine the cost of the lessons for all of us kids and gas to drive us, not to mention the time and patience it took to get us there. Thanks mom and dad.
Today as I was swimming I thought about my parents and how grateful I am that they sacrificed to give me swim lessons. My mom drove all of us kids up to Green Canyon (a 35 minute drive) for weeks during the summer so we could take lessons. My mom never learned to swim and It was important to her that we had lessons. I can't imagine the cost of the lessons for all of us kids and gas to drive us, not to mention the time and patience it took to get us there. Thanks mom and dad.
Friday, November 9, 2012
After a grueling day at school and a not so fun Chemistry exam... This was the workout that Sarah sent me.
Start timing.
1 mile run
50 air squats
40 situps
30 pushups
100 jump ropes
50 air squats
40 situps
30 pushups
My time was 47 minutes 12 seconds. Yes I know, and this was only half of the workout! Well at least I'm doing it. And barely at that.. but I did it. I am so ready for bed.
Start timing.
1 mile run
50 air squats
40 situps
30 pushups
100 jump ropes
50 air squats
40 situps
30 pushups
My time was 47 minutes 12 seconds. Yes I know, and this was only half of the workout! Well at least I'm doing it. And barely at that.. but I did it. I am so ready for bed.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Today's workout
25 situps
Start timing
.50 mile sprint
rest 3 minutes
.50 mile sprint
rest 2 minutes
.25 mile sprint
rest 1 minute
.25 mile sprint
My Time 29:42 minutes
quick note... This is only half of the workout because I am a beginner. I am not a good runner.. I actually had to walk quickly during the second .50 mile. But I kept going and I did it!
25 situps
Start timing
.50 mile sprint
rest 3 minutes
.50 mile sprint
rest 2 minutes
.25 mile sprint
rest 1 minute
.25 mile sprint
My Time 29:42 minutes
quick note... This is only half of the workout because I am a beginner. I am not a good runner.. I actually had to walk quickly during the second .50 mile. But I kept going and I did it!
Biggest Loser Oatmeal pancakes
I posted these on my regular food blog but thought I'd keep track of and share some of the Healthy recipes on here as well. These are really yummy and quite filling. I found these online here.
Biggest Loser Oatmeal Pancakes
Total calories per recipe- 315
Biggest Loser Oatmeal Pancakes
- 3 egg whites
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 1/2 cup cottage cheese ( I used low fat)
- 1 tsp. sugar or honey ( I use Stevia)
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Total calories per recipe- 315
I'll try to start putting my workouts on here.. if only for myself to keep track of how far I've come. Up until now I really didn't even believe I could do most of this stuff. Like run a 1/2 mile. A little pathetic I realize but I'm being honest here. The rest of the honesty... I'm so sore that I can hardly sit down to go to the bathroom. Some of the time it almost feels like I'd rather just pee my pants. I guess that means I'm actually doing something. Last night Sarah couldn't work out with me so she texted me the workout.
1/2 mile run
20 Burpees (they're hell)
20 sit ups
20 squats
Then do it all again. Time it all and write down your time. My time was 36.15 minutes. I had to walk part of the second 1/2 mile and try not to pass out as I attempted to do the burpees the second time. I even had to count to 10 inbetween.
After my workout I texted Sarah this message.. "I hate you Sarah Roundy"
1/2 mile run
20 Burpees (they're hell)
20 sit ups
20 squats
Then do it all again. Time it all and write down your time. My time was 36.15 minutes. I had to walk part of the second 1/2 mile and try not to pass out as I attempted to do the burpees the second time. I even had to count to 10 inbetween.
After my workout I texted Sarah this message.. "I hate you Sarah Roundy"
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Workout with Sarah #1
I decided to post this in a separate post since today marks the first day to work out with Sarah. I think my legs are going to fall off my body. Seriously.
So, her plan is simple.
1. Forget and give up the past.
2. No excuses
3. Make a commitment.
She doesn't care if I'm slow and isn't going to babysit me. If I don't do something in the workout its my loss. I am the one who will lose out on the benefit. If I don't work my hardest then I am the one that misses out on the reward, not her. This is for me. It is a choice. It is MY choice. I have chosen to take control of my eating habits and now I am making the choice to take it to the next level and exercise.
Today our workout was called Fitzoner. I did half of the workout and modified it with situps instead of chin ups. I did 1/2 mile, 25 sit ups, 40 push ups and 75 Squats in 16.52 minutes.
So, her plan is simple.
1. Forget and give up the past.
2. No excuses
3. Make a commitment.
She doesn't care if I'm slow and isn't going to babysit me. If I don't do something in the workout its my loss. I am the one who will lose out on the benefit. If I don't work my hardest then I am the one that misses out on the reward, not her. This is for me. It is a choice. It is MY choice. I have chosen to take control of my eating habits and now I am making the choice to take it to the next level and exercise.
Today our workout was called Fitzoner. I did half of the workout and modified it with situps instead of chin ups. I did 1/2 mile, 25 sit ups, 40 push ups and 75 Squats in 16.52 minutes.
Weekend in Boise
This past weekend I went to Boise, Idaho to visit my bestie. Its about a 4 hour drive so I don't get over there very often but when I do I could stay forever. We have been friends since I was 10. Her brother married my sister and we've been friends ever since. Over the years we know each other so well that we don't get offended or mad at each other and we are nothing but honest with each other. So when we talk about our weight we don't mince words. We know we're both pretty chubby. We don't butter each other up or try to be polite. We let each other know that we both need quite a bit of motivation and a lot of work. Going over there this weekend was great. We hung out and played and laughed till our guts hurt. We also hosted her annual Fall Holiday Party. I'm actually quite a good cook and have worked in a Bakery so I acted as her caterer and cooked for a day and a half. Twix Brownies, Pumpkin Cream Cheese muffins, Caramelized nuts, Sausage Balls, Homemade Butter Rolls, Taquitos... Do you see where I am going with this?? Yeah, It was fantastic and the food was wonderful!! Too bad I didn't eat any... yeah seriously.. Can you even believe it? I was a good girl. I bought veggies for a Veggie tray and found a recipe on pintrest for baked Southwest Egg Rolls and Avacado Ranch Dip made with greek yogurt. They were healthy and delicious! I promise to share the recipe on here really soon. Did I feel left out? not really? did I feel cheated? Nope Did I feel so grateful when I got up and went swimming this morning at 5am that I had been so good this weekend? big Fat YES. Its all in the attitude. I found something that I could have.. enjoyed the company and didn't fret about the things I didn't WANT to have. Its my choice. Could I have cheated or had them if I really wanted to? sure. No one was babysitting me but I had made a commitment to myself and I stuck to it. and Yes I am proud of myself. Thank You. Thank You. I'll be here all night...
p.s If you're wondering how I did with all the Halloween candy.. Not one. I even went and handed out all the delicious chocolate candy bars and tasty confections at 2 trunk or treats... and NOT. ONE. PIECE. (my choice remember?)
p.s If you're wondering how I did with all the Halloween candy.. Not one. I even went and handed out all the delicious chocolate candy bars and tasty confections at 2 trunk or treats... and NOT. ONE. PIECE. (my choice remember?)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Week one
Ok so I've been doing this for a week. I'm not dead and I haven't killed anyone yet, and actually I'm feeling pretty good. Yeah I know.. who would have thought you could feel so good eating such healthy food right?? I imagined getting frustrated and desperate enough to eat directly out of the sugar jar with my fingers or making a desperate trip to the all night gas station in my pjs at 2 in the morning to get a "fix". Reality? something we don't usually enjoy but happy to say... I haven't had a craving for the sweet. Nothing that an apple or greek yogurt couldn't handle. I've never gotten this far before.. One week? I've never made it one week before? yeah I know.. kind of pathetic but true. I am going to blame the soda for this. Damn carbonated sugar beverage of goodness... stopped me every time. I couldn't start an healthy eating trend with that in the way.. It had to go all on its own. I'm glad it did because its working for me now. I'm enjoying my food and I don't feel deprived. In fact.. I actually haven't felt hungry and I haven't craved anything in particular. We'll see how things go when my kids get back next week. Until then.. I'm giving myself 2 thumbs up and a small pat on the back..
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Normal me

Saturday, October 13, 2012
I'm a 43 year old single mom to 4. I'm 50 pounds overweight and am ready to do something about it. I'm blogging to keep track of my journey into getting in better shape. My goal for weight loss isn't just about weight. It is about feeling good, looking good and taking better care of my body... not just for me but for my children.
This past May I made a decision to give up drinking soda. I am happy to say that it is October and I am confident in saying I am soda free. It about killed me at first but I now have no craving for it. Even when I do take a sip here and there it isn't yummy to me anymore and reminds me why I gave it up. That was step one in my journey to better health.
Step two is better eating habits. I am working on that. For the past week I have been writing everything down that I eat. It is amazing what you eat without really realizing. The best part of writing everything down is that it makes you conscious of what you are eating and how often. I found that I was eating mindlessly.. when I was bored, tired, unhappy, sitting on the computer doing homework.. It was a good wake up call for me to see what I have been putting in my body.
I threw away the first week of keeping track.. it was a little embarrassing. I started over the first of this week and am now paying attention to what I eat and when. I am trying to kick my body into a new metabolism mode and start a better eating habit..
This leads me to step three. Exercise. I started swimming yesterday. Wow. I had forgotten how peaceful and relaxing it is. It feels so good to be in the water. I am extremely slow but at least I am doing it. Its a start. Besides, seeing myself in a swim suit is a definite motivator. In two weeks I will start a regular exercise routine with Sarah. She is going to be my personal trainer and the person that totally kicks my butt. Am I up for it? I am not totally convinced but I gave up soda so I'm already on the right path right?
SO on to the nitty gritty...
This is for me to keep track of where I am and the progress I am making. Ready for this?? Can't be too proud in this business i guess.. You have to start somewhere right?
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 193lbs
Clothing size: 18 womens
arms: 13 1/4 inches
chest: 45 1/2 inches
waist: 41 1/2 inches
hips: 48 inches
thighs: 27 inches (single) 48 1/2 inches combined
calves: 14 1/2 inches
This past May I made a decision to give up drinking soda. I am happy to say that it is October and I am confident in saying I am soda free. It about killed me at first but I now have no craving for it. Even when I do take a sip here and there it isn't yummy to me anymore and reminds me why I gave it up. That was step one in my journey to better health.
Step two is better eating habits. I am working on that. For the past week I have been writing everything down that I eat. It is amazing what you eat without really realizing. The best part of writing everything down is that it makes you conscious of what you are eating and how often. I found that I was eating mindlessly.. when I was bored, tired, unhappy, sitting on the computer doing homework.. It was a good wake up call for me to see what I have been putting in my body.
I threw away the first week of keeping track.. it was a little embarrassing. I started over the first of this week and am now paying attention to what I eat and when. I am trying to kick my body into a new metabolism mode and start a better eating habit..
This leads me to step three. Exercise. I started swimming yesterday. Wow. I had forgotten how peaceful and relaxing it is. It feels so good to be in the water. I am extremely slow but at least I am doing it. Its a start. Besides, seeing myself in a swim suit is a definite motivator. In two weeks I will start a regular exercise routine with Sarah. She is going to be my personal trainer and the person that totally kicks my butt. Am I up for it? I am not totally convinced but I gave up soda so I'm already on the right path right?
SO on to the nitty gritty...
This is for me to keep track of where I am and the progress I am making. Ready for this?? Can't be too proud in this business i guess.. You have to start somewhere right?
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 193lbs
Clothing size: 18 womens
arms: 13 1/4 inches
chest: 45 1/2 inches
waist: 41 1/2 inches
hips: 48 inches
thighs: 27 inches (single) 48 1/2 inches combined
calves: 14 1/2 inches
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